Becoming a Member

Will I need to prepare for the audition?

We don’t ask you to bring a prepared piece for the audition. The audition is  an opportunity to find out more about you and your musical interests. You will be asked to sing a short extract from the music learnt in the rehearsal. If successful, Jonathan will allocate you to the appropriate section (Soprano, Alto, Tenor or Bass) on the basis of your audition.

Will I need to be able to read music?

It’s not a necessity, but as many members do, you will learn from singing with them. While a basic musical understanding would be helpful, a commitment to learning the music is more important.

Is there a subscription?

Yes – the current annual fee for membership is £130 (September 2024).
For mature students over the age of 25 in full-time education, there is a reduced rate of £65 for the year, and no charge for students under 25 still in school / college / university.
For those in receipt of a means tested benefit, such as Universal Credit or Pension Credit, there is a reduced rate of £65 for the year. 

Will I have to buy music?

Yes – music scores  are ordered at the beginning of each term which are then either bought (or occasionally) hired by choir members.

When do the rehearsals take place? Do I have to attend them all?

Rehearsals take place on Thursday evenings.

Choir members are expected to attend no less that two thirds of all rehearsals in order to be eligible to perform.   Where attendance falls below this mark, eligibility to perform will be at the discretion of the conductor.